February 10, 2023

Presenting MARBEL project during a session on challenges and solutions for the mobility of the future

Presenting MARBEL project during a session on challenges and solutions for the mobility of the future

Partners from Eurecat, the MARBEL project’s coordinator, participated in the session “Challenges and solutions for the mobility of the future” organised by BATTECH and ZwickRoell and celebrated last 9th of February in the Eurecat’s facilities of Cerdanyola (Barcelona).

The session had the objective to present the challenges facing electric batteries and energy storage with hydrogen, as well as the most innovative solutions to maximise their use in mobility and automotive applications.

Alberto Gómez, MARBEL technical coordinator and Technology Transfer Manager of e-Mobility and ESS at Eurecat, attended the event and delivered the presentation “Electric Battery Technology: from the cell to the vehicle”, which included a general overview of MARBEL, as a key European project manufacturing the next generation of battery packs to accelerate the mass market take-up of electric and hybrid vehicles.

On the other hand, Toni Lara, researcher at the Product Innovation & Multiphysics Simulation Unit of Eurecat, delivered the presentation “Eco-Design and Lightweighting in the mobility of the future” and took the opportunity to present some of the main work done and results achieved as part of MARBEL.

BATTECH is the Battery joint research, development, testing and innovation unit created by Eurecat and IREC to enhance knowledge and technology transfer to the industry, was also presented.

session mobility of the future