Presentation of MARBEL during the Fatigue4Light webinar on eco-design and sustainability approaches for Electric Vehicles
The MARBEL project was presented in the webinar “Driving sustainability: eco-design and Life Cycle Assessment approaches for Electric Vehicles”, organised by the Fatigue4Light European project and celebrated last 15th of January.
José Jorge Espí, Head of the Sustainable Impact Line in Eurecat, delivered the presentation “Charting Sustainability in Battery Packs – A journey through Life Cycle Assessment: the case of MARBEL H2020 Project”, offering a general overview about MARBEL, the main results achieved, and the work done in the field of sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment methodologies.
Additionally, the webinar included the participation of representatives from CIMNE, IREC and Mondragon University which presented the research done within the European projects COBRA, Liberty and Fatigue4Light.