The University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt (THI) was established in 1994 and offers excellent learning and working conditions for 150 professors, 700 employees and over 6000 students.
Besides high-quality practical oriented education, THI is highly committed towards research and development. Applied research is carried out through both publically funded and industry-financed projects. With its research center CARISSMA, a strong research focus is on enhancing vehicle safety. The CARISSMA Institute of Electric, Connected and Secure Mobility (C-ECOS) thereby focuses on safe electromobility and accident research as well as Car2X-communications and Automotive IT-Security.
Contribution to MARBEL
THI is in charge of leading the testing, demonstration and validation of the developed system. We additionally contribute to the definition of the system’s requirements (especially safety) and to the development of the battery management system, together with a focus on cyber-security.